Yipikiyay Blog

Yipikiyay Ltd

Yipikiyay Blog

Our blog is a collection of interesting projects and technology we or others have used, plus a place for us to show off some of our work and research.


For the love of Games #4

Game specific news and views from around the web

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For the love of Tech #4

Crikey it's May 2021 already. How did that happen? Here's our latest look at interesting ways of using technology. AR, VR and MR is all hot right now, with new hardware and ways of using it coming out, plus some other random things like AI deepfaking adverts and using floppy disk drives (yes remember those?) to make music. Well "music".

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For the love of Tech #3

Part of our (ir)regular looks at new (and not so new) interesting technology. Anything that uses technology in a cool way, either from a technical perspective, design angle or to solve a problem in a interesting way will get posted here.

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For the love of Games #3

The second of our (ir)regular looks at new (and not so new) games we've discovered or are playing.

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For the love of Tech #2

Part of our (ir)regular looks at new (and not so new) interesting technology. Anything that uses technology in a cool way, either from a technical perspective, design angle or to solve a problem in a interesting way will get posted here.

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Here's looking at you kid

A research & development post from Matt, Yipikiyay's Technical Director, about programming a line of sight game mechanic

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September Tech Update

A look at some exciting new developments & announcements from recent weeks in technology and games.

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Reveal museum use case

Our new AR and video streaming solution is an ideal solution for social-distancing in museums and galleries.

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Reveal is revealed!

Our new AR and video streaming solution is now available.

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What is the Yipikiyay process?

An insight into how we do things and why we do them that way.

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For the love of Games #2

The second of our (ir)regular looks at new (and not so new) games we've discovered or are playing.

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5 is a Magic Number

A look at the latest generation of gaming tech - Unreal Engine 5 & PlayStation 5.

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For the love of Games #1

The first of our (ir)regular looks at new (and not so new) games we've discovered or are playing.

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For the love of Tech #1

The first of our (ir)regular looks at new (and not so new) interesting technology. Anything that uses technology in a cool way, either from a technical perspective, design angle or to solve a problem in a interesting way will get posted here.

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Why Yipikiyay?

For anyone with even a passing knowledge of pop culture you must get the reference, but the story is a little more nuanced as to why we chose Yipikiyay as our company name. Not a hugely interesting story, but a sentimental one for us.

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